Words for Suzanne, my dear friend who carries so much.
Who am I? I am His.
I am a daughter, a sister.
I cannot express my gratitude
For I am bound inside a body
That doesn’t work as the world would have it.
You are my mother. You held me when I was born,
So grateful to finally have a child.
A daughter. A beautiful daughter.
And when you discovered I was bound,
Bound inside a body that would never let me
express my love for you,
You loved me anyway.
You held me, soothed me.
You taught me to become
As independent as I could possibly be.
Sometimes you regretted teaching me
To walk, to run, to open doors.
But that regret was fleeting.
My Savior suffered all.
He knows my suffering, for he carried it in
He knows your pain, mother, for he suffers it
with you.
You are His.
You are a daughter.
One day, you and I shall sit together on lovely
garden bench
And I shall tell you of my gratitude.
I was hungry, you fed me.
I was thirsty, you gave me drink.
I was naked, you clothed me. Again, and again.
Jesus Christ said, “In as much as ye have done
this unto the least of these,
Ye have done it unto me.”
You are the pure example of Christ like love.
Open your heart, dear sister.
Let Him in, for he has given you a gift
Far greater than you can imagine.
He will carry you when you cannot walk another
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