Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thing One, Thing Two and Thing Three

Thing One is Cadie, my gentle sweet first born girl, also know as Twin A. She loves to cook, is very smart and likes to play jokes on people. She plays the fiddle very well and keeps her room very messy. Thing Two is Charli, aka Twin B. She is a little miracle, as the doctors said she would not make it. She is tiny for her age, but very big in spunk and spirit. She loves to play basketball and likes to write stories. She is not much neater than her sister, thus the Thing One and Two labels! Thing Three is Cami, our amazing caboose who has decided her job in life is to entertain us, boss us around and make sure we all know what is going on. She will want to show us a trick she has learned and will go around the room with her bent little finger pointing into each face, saying "Watch me" to each person there. If someone says, "Bye Mom, I'm leaving," she comes to me to "tell me", "Robbie's going to school Mom." "Daddy's going outside Mom." When she wants you to play with her, she won't let up til you sit down. "Cami, I'll play with you in a minute." "No, you play with me now. Sit down, right here. You play with this doll." "Cami," I say, "I can't play with you yet. I'll be there in just a minute." "No," she answers back calmly, "You play with me now." Thing Three, the terrorist!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cami started Primary!

Sunday, January 4th was Cami's first day in Primary. (By the way, it is also to anniversary of my baptism, oh about 34 years ago.) Troy and Cadie took her to Primary. Cadie sat with her during opening exercises. Then Cadie had to leave... and Cami cried. But things must have gotten better, because she said she had a good time and she liked her teacher and she liked the songs, but she didn't sing (she told us this.)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hope smiling brightly before us...

My computer caught a virus and has been in the hospital for the past 2 weeks. I can't wait to get it back so that I can post pictures of the terrific snow that has bombarded us for the past 2 1/2 weeks. It began snowing on Wednesday the 17th and hasn't really ever stopped, although today there was not a single flake. Never fear, it begins again tomorrow--a "MONSTER" storm, they're saying. Over 80" of snow has fallen since it all began. Currently there is about 3 feet on the ground. Every morning, I wake up, attempt to run my 3 miles (thank heaven for Yak Traks!), wade out to the property to feed the horses, shovel a new path to the snow field where the horse hang out by day, then home to shovel all the other paths... out the front door, to the barn, etc. Then I finally come inside about 2 pm and feed kids and wish we didn't have so much snow. Our Christmas was interesting because the kids got out of school 2 days early due to snow, the family computer didn't work, snow slid off the roof and repositioned the satellite, leaving us no TV, the temps hovered around 15 degrees or less and we had sooo much snow. We kept the kids busy shoveling, plowing and feeding the neighbors horse, so cabin fever wouldn't over take us. Troy called it "Going on snow patrol". Today, as the sun shone brightly (although it was only 10 degrees), the words to the song "There is hope smiling brightly before us and we know that deliverance is nigh..." ran through my head and I knew that it would eventually all go away!